Two dogs playing with a frisbee in the grass.

About Doggy Style Dog Training Style & Core Beliefs

Alesia Vaughn founded Doggy Style in 2003. She is a lifestyle choice that cares about positive communication with dogs and people. We break down the communication barrier and teach everybody how to speak the same language. In my extensive experience, the one thing that every new client has in common is that they don’t “speak dog.” 

Why Choose Us

We understand people are busy and need support with their dogs and their training. Our compassionate team ensures your dog's needs are met, and they can grow into a well-balanced, happy dog. We believe dogs need a job! As we have domesticated our dogs and brought them in as a member of our family, we have taken away their ability to work. 

By taking away their ability to work, they may become deprived of their mental stimulation and act out. We help stimulate your dog mentally so they remain balanced and happy, and can learn to be successful in every situation. 

Work at Dog's Speed

We work with all dogs irrespective of breed, size, and temperaments. Our compassionate staff works at the dog's speed to help them to succeed in every situation. Working at the dog’s speed is recognizing our human goals how they compare with the dog’s needs. We take a step back and help move a dog forward where they are struggling, instead of thinking exclusively of our human goals. We remove the human pressure and become more in-tune with your dog’s needs to help them to succeed. 

Balanced Training

We offer balanced training as well as off-leash play. Because we use the balanced training method, we can use every tool that will help you and your dog succeed. We believe in structure, and boundaries belong in every aspect of your dog’s life. When your dog knows how they are supposed to behave in every situation, you have a confident dog invited everywhere you go. 

Our Core Values

We never discriminate against people or dogs and maintain non-confrontational communication and behavior. We love dogs and strive to create a relationship with people and their dogs by projecting a friendly attitude toward everyone.

A dog sitting on the grass next to a person.